Tag Archives: Travel

I do not travel well to New Jersey (I always get lost).  So when I was invited to visit the office of Michael Aiduss in Montclair, I was reluctant to take the trip. However, once there I discovered an extraordinary office with a charismatic leader and a dedicated and talented staff. A summary of my recent conversation with Michael follows.

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On my recent trip to Israel I planned some extra time to see just a few of the thousand or so Bauhaus stucco buildings that still exist in Tel Aviv. They are not hard to find or identify. Their distinctive features–from balconies, vertical glass stairwells, horizontal bands and rounded forms to the unmistakable stucco exteriors–are dotted all over the city. Clearly, some have had sensitive renovations and others are in a complete state of disrepair.

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This will probably be the final post on my trip to Israel.

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Last May I posted my photos of door hardware in Paris. I recently returned from Italy and have more photos to share. Not only is the hardware beautiful, detailed and well crafted–the textures of the doors themselves add to their charm.  I was drawn to the patina of rich colored woods and the peeling paint as well as the tarnished brass and corroded iron door knockers and pulls that have softened with age and environmental conditions. Each one reveals something about the style of the building and the taste of the owners. Clearly, they are all “vintage,” but I know nothing of their actual age. Somehow it doesn’t seem to matter.

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