We have been talking about a gentle shift in bath design for about a year. It started with the launch of our new Architectonics palette (expanded to 123 colors) and has continued to the installation of more active and colorful stones.

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Naturally, the faucet is the most used appliance in your kitchen. In thinking about this important purchase, keep in mind its dual personality; not only should it be compatible with the design of the kitchen, it also must be unequivocally functional.

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We are continually inspired by texture and the way something feels — rough, smooth, three-dimensional. It’s an important visual design element we look for in objects, fabrics, architecture and paintings.

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Over and over, I have noticed recently that a home’s kitchen floor is often the same material that is used throughout the rest of the house. However, with so many wonderful options for the kitchen, I suggest that you take the time to look beyond the obvious.

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