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The overall success of any project lies in the details. And, one of the details that can most easily derail a tile installation is the choice of grout color. For some reason, the grout color selection is often left to the last minute. The installer, already on the job, makes the decision. While there is no right or wrong grout color and the choice is a matter of personal preference, some colors ultimately look better than others (a lot better!). For many years I suggested a nearly matching color grout, especially when installing white tile. Recently, I have found that light or dark gray grout can look great in some installations. We call that our ‘old New York’ look.


Several weeks ago, the Waterworks showroom in Greenwich, CT hosted a book signing for Philip James Dodd, the author of The Art of Classical Details: Theory, Design and Craftsmanship. In this beautifully organized and photographed book, Phillip proves that architecture, to be successful, requires not only a knowledge of theory and practice, but also an understanding and appreciation of the craft of building. He features architects and craftsmen who have a love for classical detail. They are students of the classical orders: Tuscan, Doric, Corinthian and Composite. Each order provides a system with its own distinct proportions, details and identity. Without them, classical architecture does not exist nor is it understood.

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Gary McBournie simply loves color! In fact, his favorite neutral is orange and before that it was red.  Beige is not part of his vocabulary unless he changes the tone to sand or cream.

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I have written about black and white bathrooms before. But as I continue to see more well designed baths using this restrained formula, I decided to revisit the topic. A black and white color scheme has the potential of creating a minimalist or stark interior. A myopic view could see this scheme to as too contemporary or limiting.  I like to think of black and white as refined and restrained, orderly and liberating. The decisions made when creating a black and white bath are very deliberate.  The varying shades of both colors help create a timeless space but too much of either color will create an unbalanced room. This clean aesthetic demands the uncluttering of counters and a general tidy approach (although I believe that all baths should be neat for the best functionality).

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