Last week I attended the awards celebration of New England Chapter Institute of Classical Architecture and Art held at the State House in Boston, a fabulous Charles Bulfinch building built in 1798 with later additions. It is sited close to the summit of the south side of Beacon Hill overlooking Boston Common and the Back Bay. Bulfinch was not only the architect of the building for the seat of government, but also a public-minded citizen and selectman. At its completion, it was proclaimed one of the more magnificent buildings in the country.

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A picture perfect Sunday at Versailles. The vista never ceases to be breathtaking.


I simply love Thanksgiving. It is about a full house, people spilling out of rooms or lounging on rarely used furniture and children playing with the Tonka trucks, Matchbook cars and baseball cards their fathers loved. There is the general sense of chaos in a usually quiet household of two adults and one small dog.


This is a glimpse of what I hope to see in Israel this coming week. I am hoping to explore the “White City” in Tel Aviv along with countless other great architectural treasures. I will have lots to share upon my return.

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